
Purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of how Village Credit Institution (VCI) apply the concept of sustainability business practices (SBP) based on the existence of VCIs inspired by Tri Hita Karana (THK) and their accountability. This study adopts an ethnomethodological approach, aiming to obtain a portrait of VCI business practices in daily life settings. The results of this study found that sustainable business practices and VCI accountability in the economic dimension are seen in the economic implications for their stakeholders, in line with the concept of “pang pade payu”, in the social dimension, it is seen in social care and various community empowerment programs in line with the concept of “segalak segilik selunglung sebayantaka, paras paros sarpanaya". In the ecological dimension, the involvement of VCI in an effort to preserve the environment, both physical and non-physical, is in line with the Hindu belief, namely "skala-niskala". In the spiritual dimension, it is reflected in the ritual activities of the “panca yadnya” as offerings to God as the highest entity. Business units must view all aspects of life as integral and interrelated with one another. SBP based on THK results in holistic accountability for sustainability.

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