
Corporate responsibility has become an important issue for management to address. The responsibility of the organization for the public environment (ecological, social and economic aspects of the environment) has become a matter of management attention referring to the entire organization and all major stakeholders. Therefore safe, environmentally sound, and economically viable energy production and supply should be essential part of management issues. The anticipated closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant at 2009 will change the situation of electricity generation in Lithuania significantly. The costs of electricity generation and distribution are the most important criteria shaping decisions in the energy production and supply companies. Sound energy and environmental accounting must be the basis of any strategic decision making in order to keep up with the increasing complexity of energy and environmental problems. Efficiency, equity, ecological integrity, and technological change are introduced as fundamental aspects that need to be considered in a comprehensive sustainable energy production and supply framework. Since these issues cannot be suitably included within the frame of a single model, a combination of ecological, economic, technological and social measures for different aspects of Lithuanian energy system and sustainable development are analysed. Santruka Imoniu atsakomybe už aplinka (socialiniu, ekologiniu, ekonominiu aspektu) yra vienas svarbiausiu klausimu nustatant imoniu veiklos prioritetus ir priimant veiklos sprendimus. Svarbiausias šiandienos energetikos uždavinys ‐ patikima saugios, ekologiškai švarios, efektyvios ir ekonomiškai patrauklios energijos gavyba. Ši tiksla igyvendinti imanoma tinkamai formuojant energetikos ūkio valdymo politika, keičiant ir nustatant valdymo, naudojimo išlaidas, ivertinant energetikos infrastruktūros poveiki ekologijai. Svarbiausias veiksnys, lemiantis pasirenkamus sprendimus elektros energijos gamybos ir paskirstymo sektoriuje, yra energijos gamybos ir paskirstymo kaina. Gamybos ir paskirstymo kainu lygiui itaka daro turto struktūra, i kaina integruoti aplinkos taršos bei išoriniu taršo sanaudu mokesčiai. Tačiau po 2009 m., uždarius Ignalinos atomine elektrine, situacija Lietuvos elektros energetikos sektoriuje pasikeis iš esmes, nes pasikeis energijos gamybos šaltiniai. Siekiant sudaryti aplinkai visapusiškai saugia elektros energijos gamybos ir perdavimo struktūra, efektyvumas, ekologinis integruotumas, technologinis inovatyvumas yra tie pagrindiniai kriterijai, kuriuos būtina vertinti rengiant sprendimus. Elektros energetikos sektoriuje veiksmingas gali būti tik toks valdymo modelis, kuris suderins ekologinius, socialinius, technologinius aspektus su darnios aplinkos analize.


  • The economy of any country may be evaluated according to the development level of its energy infrastructure

  • It is stated in the report on energy resources announced by the World Energy Council in 2001 that “there are sufficient resources in every region of the world that would satisfy the growing energy demand even in the 21st century; there are no new special technologies that would markedly reduce the part of organic fuel in the general energy balance in the nearest future” (World Energy Council, 2001)

  • In the National Energy Strategy, Lithuania confirms its obligations to the European Union regarding the implementation of greater use of renewable energy resources for electricity generation

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The economy of any country may be evaluated according to the development level of its energy infrastructure. Operating power plants that use organic fuel emit SO2, NOx, NH3 as side combustion products and other hazardous particles to the environment, high-tension transmission networks cause an increased electromagnetic radiation (Staniškis et al, 2004). Thermal power stations that use organic fuel – coal, fuel oil, gas – make the greatest impact on the environment in the electricity sector (Staniškis et al, 2005) It is stated in the report on energy resources announced by the World Energy Council in 2001 that “there are sufficient resources in every region of the world that would satisfy the growing energy demand even in the 21st century; there are no new special technologies that would markedly reduce the part of organic fuel in the general energy balance in the nearest future” (World Energy Council, 2001). As new requirements for infrastructure management are set and attempts are made to control and reduce its impact on the environment, it is necessary to use for valid methods of infrastructure property management, assessment and analysis (Staniskis and Stasiskiene, 2006)

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