
Water resources are exigent for agriculture, industry, recreation, and human life. e global renewable water supply is about 7000 m3 per person per year (present population, 2000). us, there is sucient water for at least three times the present world population. In general, lack of water is due to an imbalance between population and precipitation distributions [4]. Urban populations with respect to the sustainable supply of safe and reliable water for residential, commercial, and industrial needsin more developed nations face other challenges [17]. ese challenges include dierent constraints related to water, both from quantity and quality of supply and treatment [17]. Many water resource professionals believe that reclaiming water aer it is treated in a modern wastewater treatment plant has an important role for sustainable water resource management [11]. Water supply institutions are searching and considering alternative methods of increasing their available water resources to meet the demands of their customers. One such alternative method is the concept of conjunctive use [12]. e dependence on either surface water82.1 Introduction 1081 82.2 Methodology 108282.3 Various Aspects of Conjunctive Use 1085 Risk and Health • Cultural Issues • Economical Aspects • Educational Issues82.4 Water Rights for Conjunctive Management 1086 82.5 Summary and Conclusions 1086 References 1087Preface With the population growth currently and expected in the future, freshwater resources are expected to decrease. erefore, preserving potable water resources is essential. For nonpotable needs, complex treatment technologies are being instituted to change wastewater into a high-quality product for nonpotable projects. is process is oen referred to as wastewater reclamation or water reuse. Water can be a limited resource for many communities. Many water resource professionals believe that reclaiming water aer treatment in a modern wastewater treatment plant has an important role in sustainable water resource management. Conjunctive use of water thus far refers to the coordinated and planned use of surface and groundwater. Now it is understood that reuse wastewater is a water resource developed right at the threshold of the urban environment. Surface water, groundwater, and reclaimed wastewater in the watershed are three water resources for water supply. Conjunctive use of water is an integrated management and useful connection between these three water resources. e goal of conjunctive management is to increase the overall water supplies and protect against drought. Problems and costs of disposing wastewater oen present new advantages of conjunctive use. e purpose of this chapter is to introduce conjunctive use of groundwater/surface water and reuse water resources for irrigation, industrial and urban water supply in the developing world, and the great potential that planned conjunctive use has as an adaptation strategy to speed up climate change.

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