
Contents: Jozef Niznik: The Idea of a Welfare State and the Future of EU Social Policy - Rachele Benedetti: Policy Integration, Local Governance and Citizenship: The Challenge of Participation in the New Welfare State - Caroline de la Porte/J. Timo Weishaupt: The Open Method of Co-ordination for Social Inclusion and Social Protection: Theoretical and Empirical State-of-the-Art - Katja Mohring: Employment Biography Patterns and Income in Old Age in European Welfare States - Karl Hinrichs: Demographic Trends and Pension Systems: Is Increasing Retirement Age the Promising Solution? - Anna-Maria Isola: The Conflicting Messages of Russian Population Policy - Jerome De Henau/Susan Himmelweit: Comparing Welfare Regimes by their Effects on Intra-household Inequalities - Angela Genova/Louis Ulrich: The Impact of the EU Social Model on Social Economy Development in Italy and Romania - Claude Martin: The Invention of a Parenting Policy in the French Context: Elements for a Policy Tracing - Simone Sarti/Marco Terraneo: A Comparative Study on the Relations Between Inequalities in Health and the Social Vulnerability of Europeans - Bruno Estrada Lopez: Social Partners and Climate Change - Mireia Ferri: Sustainability of the Social Tourism Policy: The Self-assessment Model of Accessible Social Tourism - Irene Monsonis Paya: Social Policy and TICs: Policies to Prevent Cyberbullying in Europe - Aysecan Kartal Scifo: Between NGOs and the State: Turkish Social Services Sector, Post-1990s - Hester Kan: The Transformation of European Governance through Networks: Institutional Innovations but Continuation of Hierarchies, Struggles and Contestation.

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