
Global concerns for pressing fossil fuel demand with concurrent emissions deliberated India to direct policies for rapid adoption of clean energy methods as sustainable solutions. Responsiveness for affordable electricity access to its residents induced implementation of off-grid and consumer driven energy models like Community Energy (CE), playing significant role in meeting national energy demand in developed countries. It is evident from energy secured nations that centralized planning and electrification is not alone sufficient for meeting energy security. Renewable CE model is predicted to emerge as an effective system of clean energy access to off-grid communities while reducing emissions vividly. In past few years, cases of renewable CE system have been reported in India as well. Hence, it becomes pertinent to assess the extent of CE projects in Indian context, however a comprehensive landscape of such projects is currently lacking. This paper attempts to profile the status of CE projects with their scope and relevance to ensure national energy security. Six diversified case studies of CE projects are analysed by applying actor network theory. Role of community participation in implementation of these projects and its socio-economic impact on localized growth is represented by reviewing detailed case-studies. Qualitative analysis reveals parameters across diversified CE projects in India leading to an assessment framework for sustainable replication in other regions. Insights provide basis to identify associated challenges and incentives with CE projects, policy implications in interest of developers, end users, beneficiaries, promoters and towards emission reduction.

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