
Abstract: Unpredictable activities is guessing a person's physical location or joint activity based on images or videos. The project will require the use of neural networks to detect human activities from CCTV images. Human behavior is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision and has been studied for over 15 years. This is important because the number of applications that can benefit from the search function is huge. For example, it is used in applications such as human prediction, video analysis, animal analysis and behavior understanding, language recognition, human relations-computer, and characters are less powerful. While low-cost depth sensors have limitations such as being limited to indoor use, their low-noise data and low depth make it difficult to estimate humans from depth images. Therefore, we plan to use neural networks to solve these problems. Analyzing human activity through image analysis is an active area of research in image processing and computer vision. Thanks to visual monitoring, human activities in public places such as bus stops, train stations, airports, banks, shopping malls, schools, parking lots and roads can be monitored in order to prevent attacks, theft, accidents, illegal parking, violence, fights and chain events. purse snatching etc. illegal and other activities. It is very difficult to monitor public places regularly, so there is a need for intelligent video surveillance that can monitor people's activities in real time and divide them into tasks, normal and abnormal activities; and can generate an alarm. Often research is done with images rather than video. Also, none of the published articles attempt to use CNNs to detect suspicious activity.

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