
The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the statics and dynamics of labor relations. An analysis of scientific research on the suspension of an employment contract is carried out. The necessity of fixing the suspension of the employment contract as an institution or sub-institution of labor law is substantiated. It is proposed to fix the legal definition of the relevant concept in a separate article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, indicating the main forms of suspension of the employment contract through references to other articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is argued that the institution of suspension of an employment contract is supplemented with norms regarding workers involved in the performance of work in order to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state, their enrollment in special formations during the period of mobilization and in wartime, involved in the performance of work for the needs of defense, liquidation of the consequences of the use of enemy of weapons, restoration of damaged (destroyed) economic facilities, life support systems and military facilities, in the fight against fires, epidemics and epizootics, joining special formations and units of territorial defense during the period of martial law, as well as those called up for military service.

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