
Abstract Rubus cultivars were compared with R. procerus for their susceptibility to Phragmidium violaceum, a pathogen first recorded in Victoria in February 1984, by inoculation of detached leaflets in the laboratory. The cultivar ‘Thornless Evergreen’ was highly susceptible. Cultivars ‘Thornfree’, ‘Dirksen Thornless’ and ‘Smoothstem’ were moderately susceptible whilst cvs ‘Silvan’ and ‘Lawtonberry’ were resistant. Cultivars ‘Cherokee’, ‘Cheyenne’, ‘Comanche’, ‘Marionberry’, ‘Boysenberry’, ‘Youngberry’, and ‘Olallie’ were highly resistant. ‘Loganberry’ and the raspberry cv. ‘Malling Landmark’ were immune.Seven fungicides were evaluated for their effect on P. violaceum. Mancozeb and triforine were the most effective against spore germination in vitro. RH 3866, triforine, propiconazole and mancozeb were the most effective in protective tests on detached leaflets of R. procerus, while RH 3866, propiconazole and flutriafol were the most effective in similar, curative tests. Phytotoxicity on detached leaflets was severe at high concentrations of triadimefon and propiconazole, and moderate to slight at similar concentrations of RH 3866 and copper hydroxide.

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