
IntroductionWe analysed the changes in the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to antimicrobials over an 18-year period (2000-2017) in order to evaluate the adequacy of the antimicrobial therapy against this organism in patients admitted in a tertiary Spanish hospital (excluding the intensive care unit). In addition, the antimicrobial activity was evaluated using pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) criteria as a microbiological surveillance tool. MethodsSusceptibility was studied according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute breakpoints. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to calculate the cumulative fraction of response (CFR). Linear regression analysis was applied to determine the trends in susceptibility and in the CFR. ResultsIn 2017, susceptibility rates were: amikacin, penicillins and cephalosporins ≥85%, tobramycin 76%, meropenem 75% and gentamicin, imipenem and fluoroquinolones <70%. PK/PD analyses was able to identify changes in antimicrobial activity not detected by only assessing MICs; meropenem administered in extended infusion attained a CFR >90%, ceftazidime, piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem provided CFRs between 80-90%, all of them administered at the highest doses. ConclusionsAnalysis of susceptibility and PK/PD modelling, should be considered together to select the most appropriate antimicrobial drug and dosage regimen. Empirical antipseudomonal therapy would vary considerably if both microbiological surveillance tools were considered. In this study, the PK/PD analysis made it possible to preserve the therapeutic value of antimicrobials with low susceptibility rates, such as carbapenems, and the selection of the most effective antimicrobials among those with high rates of susceptibility.

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