
Malaria poses health problem around the world and Africa, including Sudan, and there are many methods and strategies for its control. This study was conducted in Edd Al Fursan area in South Darfur State during August to October 2014, for assessing the susceptibility of the vector Anopheles arabiensis to DDT, malathion, deltamethrin, permethrin and bendiocarb. Study was conducted in two areas (North and South Edd AlFursan), adopting a WHO protocol. The larvae were collected (Anopheles, Aedes and Culex) and sorted out in the laboratory of which the An. arabiensis was reared in the laboratory, identified after morphologically identifying. With 2–3 days old females, the susceptibility tests were conducted for DDT 4%, malathion 5%, deltamethrin 0.05%, permethrin 0.75% and bendiocarb 0.1%. Of the collected mosquitoes 83.39% (2945) were identified as An. arabiensis, 12.88% as Culex and 3.55% as Aedes. About 1000 females when subjected to the selected insecticides revealed 100% susceptibility to bendiocarb in all areas. About DDT and deltamethrin, the susceptibility ratio ranged between 99 to 100% in both areas, while malathion resulted in 99% in South and 98% in North of Edd Al Fursan. After 24 hr of exposure, An. arabiensis resistance to permethrin in both areas (North and South Edd Al Fursan) ranged between 97–98%.

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