
Softgel candy is soft-textured confectionery processed by the addition of several components such as gum, pectin, starch and gelatin, to obtain a supple product and packed after aging treatment first. Gelatin is one of the main components in the manufacture of soft candy derived from the hydrolysis of collagen connective tissue and animal bone that serves as the nature of gelling agents, stabilizers or emulsifiers. However, the gelatin used in products not yet labeled halal Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) is particularly vulnerable to pork gelatin, since pork gelatin is cheaper than cattle. The purpose of this study was to test the contaminants of pig DNA on 17 samples of soft candles not labeled halal MUI. This research used Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. Seventeen samples were isolated by DNA, then spectrophotometry was performed, followed by PCR. The PCR product is run electrophoresis. Visualize the DNA with a UV gel documentation. Primer used is primer gene encoding cyt b DNA pork. Results showed that 17 samples were negative contaminants, while the positive control of pork showed a DNA band of 149 bp. This shows that Softgel Candy 17 samples do not contain pork gelatin.


  • PENDAHULUAN Softgel candy atau kembang gula lunak merupakan makanan yang diproses dengan penambahan hidrokoloid dalam bentuk gum, pati, pectin, gelatin dan lainnya yang menyebabkan terbentuknya tekstur kenyal (SNI 3547-2-2008, BSN 2008)

  • soft-textured confectionery processed by the addition of several components

  • of the main components in the manufacture of soft candy derived from the hydrolysis of collagen connective tissue and animal bone

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Alat yang digunakan antara lain : minitube, aluminium foil, microtube, neraca analitik, pengaduk kaca, spatula, alat penggerus, gelas erlenmayer, gelas ukur 100 mL, gelas beaker, corong, mikropipet, alat sentrifuge, UV transluminator, thermocycler, lemari pendingin, seperangkat elektroforesis dan spektrofotometer. Sampel sebanyak 17 buah diambil secara purposive sampling dengan kriteria lunak, tertera bahan gelatin pada komposisinya, tidak berlabel halal, dan berada di wilayah sekitar kampus UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Bahan lainnya yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah KIT isolasi Promega, ethanol 70%, buffer TAE, DNA ladder, Go taq green master mix, primer cyt b, pewarna DNA Diamond Nuclei Acid, sampel kontrol positif berupa daging babi, darah babi, usus babi, lemak babi, dan hati babi. Urutan sekuens primer cyt b yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini seperti pada tabel 1 berikut ini

Target Gen Cyt b
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