
Centro Ato ´mico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro, Comision Nacional de Energia Ato´mica, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,San Carlos de Bariloche, 8400 Bariloche, Argentina~Received 30 October 1995; revised manuscript received 25 April 1996!We present in this paper a theoretical study for the survival probability of a system of independent walkersin the presence of a dynamic trap by using the multistate continuous-time random-walk approach. The resultspresented are exact for any switching-time probability density controlling the dynamic of the trap, in theone-dimensional case without bias. The influence of a non-Markovian dynamic for the trap is presented and acomparison with a finite relaxation model is established for the long-time limit.@S1063-651X~96!07010-9#PACS number~s!: 05.40.1j, 05.60.1w, 02.50.1Ey, 82.20.FdI. INTRODUCTION

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