
Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a community is only as strong as the weakest, or most vulnerable, member. Communities are comprised of varying numbers of members, with the best ones coming together in unity, by working cooperatively for the purpose, and with the outcome, of becoming one in head (thinking in tune with each other), and in heart (sharing the same passions). However, the most important aspect of each community is the underlying base on which it is built. Without a sound philosophy of life underpinning each community, it can be likened to a sailing ship without a rudder, floating freely on the sea of life without direction, or being becalmed by the absence of wind, or even buffeted here and there by waves of uncertainty. As challenging as it is to nurture the needs of a community, that is really only a small task in comparison to comprehending and conquering the survival needs of humanity as a whole. Handling the physical, social and emotional needs of humanity is placing more pressure on some communities and countries than others. However, those needs are temporal and subject to seasonal or epochal change, without the cessation of humanity as a whole. The most basic concern for the survival of humanity is in the realm of the spirit. Until a sound source of human spirit is identified, discussions of spiritual well-being are moot. Spirituality is a term that is increasingly used, and abused, in everyday speech and many publications. If spirituality is accepted as having different meanings for different people, then it lacks authority. There are two apparent forms of spirituality. The genuine one leads to life, the other one to death. Jesus Christ is the key to spirituality, thus spiritual well-being. A life built on a solid spiritual foundation in Christ, the cornerstone of the Church, contrasts with one on the shifting sands of Humanism (a form of pseudo-spirituality), which are likely to wash away in the storms of life. Relating with God, through Jesus Christ, is the only means to, and, also the measure of, spiritual life and well-being. Humanity can only be saved by individuals being spiritually enlivened and united, in community, by God.

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