
Summary. Mature mice were ovariectomized on the 4th day post coitum (Day 1 = vaginal plug) and given no further treatment. Unimplanted (delayed) blastocysts were recovered from these females between 5 and 40 days post coitum. They were tested for viability by determining the proportion that developed into normal foetuses following transfer to Day-4 pseudopregnant recipients. It was found that the proportion of transferred blastocysts developing into foetuses was similar after delays of from 0 to 10 days. After delays of more than 10 days, the proportion of blastocysts that were capable of developing into normal foetuses decreased; 30 to 32% developed following transfer on Days 5 to 15, 18% with transfer on Day 20, and 3% with transfer on Day 30. The finding that blastocysts can be delayed in the absence of ovarian hormones and yet remain capable of developing into normal foetuses demonstrates that progesterone is not essential for blastocyst survival in mice.

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