
Background: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) have changed the outlook of people living with HIV (PLHIV) by transforming the dreaded infection to a chronically manageable disease. However, there is scant of reports which analyses quantitatively the survival benefit of PLHIV under ART. Objectives of this study were to determine the survival time of adult PLHIV who are on ARV. To analyse the factors determining survival outcome of PLHIV on ARV.Methods: This was an observational study in centre of excellence (COE) ART Centre, RIMS, Imphal from April 2004 to December 2009. Details from the data entered in documents of the ART programme were followed up every 3 months for 60 months from the date of initiation of ARV. All PLHIV above 18 years of age and undergoing antiretroviral therapy were included.Results: Survival rate following initiation of ARV was found to be significantly high among PLHIV. Higher CD4 count at the time of ARV initiation had better prognosis. Mortality was high among IDUs and they had high incidence of co-infections with HCV and HBV. The currently available ARV drugs under NACO programme have better suppression of HIV, are less toxic, low pill burden. The combined regimen used in the earlier days were not much inferior to the current ARV drugs if initiated timely with proper prophylaxis of OIs, good adherence, good nutrition and timely management of toxicities and IRIS.Conclusions: Timely treatment with ARV drugs provided under the national programme with good adherence and regular follow-up improves the survival of PLHIV.

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