
In this paper, two bivariate models based on the proposed methods of Marshall and Olkin are introduced. In the first model, the new bivariate distribution is presented based on the proposed method of Marshall and Olkin (1967) which has natural interpretations, and it can be applied in fatal shock models or in competing risks models. In the second model, the proposed method of Marshall and Olkin (1997) is generalized to bivariate case and a new bivariate distribution is introduced. We call these new distributions as the bivariate Gompertz (BGP) distribution and bivariate Gompertz-geometric (BGPG) distribution, respectively. Moreover, the BGP model can be obtained as a special case of the BGPG model. Then, we present various properties of the new bivariate models. In this regard, the joint and conditional density functions, the joint cumulative distribution function can be obtained in compact forms. Also, the aging properties and the bivariate hazard gradient are discussed. This model has five unknown parameters and the maximum likelihood estimators cannot be obtained in explicit form. We propose to use the EM algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters, and it is computationally quite tractable. Also, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Finally, we analyze three real data sets for illustrative purposes.

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