
Surveys and mapping have been essential to water resources development in the United States. From the pioneer single purpose navigation network, federal interest in water resource development has broadened to include multipurpose uses of water and related land resources. The quality of multipurpose planning has been enhanced by improved techniques in surveys and mapping. An example of the role of surveys and mapping in water resource development is illustrated by the Vicksburg District’s study of providing levee protection to the Vicksburg-Yazoo area north of Vicksburg, Mississippi Survey information, aerial mosaics, and quadrangle maps were used to prepare working curves for converting various types of flood damage to an average annual basis for comparison with annual costs. Studies indicate that a levee project to provide protection from the Mississippi River Project Design Flood would be economically justified. With the diminishing opportunities for water resources development, wise and timely development and utilization of these resources will require creative and imaginative planning and engineering reflecting physical changes and new technology in surveying and mapping.

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