
IntroductionThe intimidation (mobbing) can be experienced in any environment where there are managing and managed employees. However, it is not exactly known what the mobbing or the mobbing process is or how it is being experienced. In some cases, considering this experience as a workplace tradition brings the lack of knowledge about this matter in the forefront. It is very important for people to know that the mobbing, which causes significant losses with respect to business productivity and poor performance in the workplace, is not something usual in the working environment (Bulut, 2007).It is being observed that today the importance of human relationships gradually increases at work environments. The efficiency of the social relations in the organizations has also gained importance as much as the productivity of the employees. The communication and social relationships of the employees with each other in any organization is the most important power that sustains the organization. The managers, who understood the importance of the employees in sustaining the business life, especially in recent years, have been looking for ways to make happy the employees at work (Gokce, 2008). Valuing people in our modern management understanding where the human element gained an importance, is been done by obviously showing this. In this context, all kinds of intimidation behaviors against an individual indicate that this value is not given to employees (Yaman, 2009).It is seen that the studies made on the mobbing behaviors began in Europe and later concentrated on the other countries. The concept of mobbing in the workplace was first described by the German employment psychologist Heinz Leymann at the end of the 1980 (Tinaz, 2006). And having an increasing number in the studies related to mobbing in the recent years, indicates that this fact has reached serious extent.Mobbing is not a condition that occurs suddenly. It means a process. This process begins by targeting a certain person or persons at the workplace with injurious behaviors (Kirel, 2008). The person chosen as a target in the process of intimidation may become a person not respected and behaviors may occur which may damage the reputation of the person, selected as a target. In the process of intimidation there are hostile behaviors and unethical communication behaviors (Gokce, 2008).Is very important to notice the signs of mobbing in time and to take measures in order to create workplaces respectful to people as much as they are efficient and profitable. It is necessary to closely familiarize with the mobbing behaviors in order to be able to fight them in a right way (Baltas, 2009). In this context, we must develop a number of conditions that we can describe the behaviors or ill-treatment that the individuals face in their everyday working life as mobbing behaviors (Gungor, 2008).In this context, Leymann defined the intimidation as a sort of a psychological terror, intimidation acts, a hostile and unethical communication emerging in a systematic manner, directed by one or several persons towards another one, the reason of which can be in a wide variety from a diversity of thought and belief to jealousy and discrimination of a gender. (Tinaz, 2006). After Leymann, the researchers have used this definition by expanding it. However, there is no any definition agreed upon on all hands (Gokce, 2008).One of the most important reasons underlying these problems, the scope of which is so very common, even deeply affect the person's mental health and work productivity, no doubt, are the emotional attacks, so far unnamed, kept in secret, but known to be intensely experienced at the workplace and which could be called as intimidation acts (Uzuncarsili and Yologlu, 2007). In preventing this kind of behaviors in organizations, must be given importance to rational attitude and human resources. It is noted that the mobbing behaviors are seen lesser in organizations that apply this type of practice (Ocak, 2008). …

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