
AbstractThe character Piper Chapman is presented in the Netflix original series,Orange Is the New Black(OITNB). Piper's story opens the door to the female correctional facility. With the mass incarceration of non‐violent, drug offending females comes the need for gender‐specific assessment, programming, and reentry efforts. It is the goal of this essay to briefly review several issues observed inOITNB(gender, victimization, sexuality, mental health/addiction, and race) and to raise awareness on additional issues related to women and crime. The essay will also provide a discussion on female relationships to include both outside loved ones as well as newfound friends within the facility and the accompanied policy implications. Research supports the idea that contact with prosocial loved ones reduces distress and recidivism. Policy implications suggest a need for more open visitation, assistance with welfare agencies, collaboration for reentry, and overall gender‐specific programming needs for female offenders.

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