
At present day use of modern techniques and technology is an essential and required consideration for being smart for every person to make immediate and smart decisions. For which data and information is essential required parameter?. So one of the method that the users are adopting for daily requirement is IoT. By which needy data is made available at any time, user work is made simple and easier as objects/things are made intelligent such that they are capable to collect data, generate information, transmit information to any place, any time with use of access technologies. Authorized user can access data, information for concerned application, make immediate and smart decisions with that information. Hence such sensitive private data & information generated by such things/objects should be secured irrespective of time and place of access from any unauthorized user. In this paper effort is made to identify and understand issues related to IoT security and other challenges to consider for IoT adaptation in daily use. How these issues can be tackled by using security methods, algorithmic techniques considering for constrained devices. As objects in IoT which are constrained basically in design and its use.

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