
Named Data Networking (NDN) is considered to be a new proposed Internet architecture which is fundamentally different from host-centric communications in Internet. Here, instead of sending data packet to specific locations, NDN retrieves data by name. This methodology addresses the IP's (Internet Protocol) communication issues as well as the digital distribution and management issues. This content has to be authenticated and signed by the originator of the content. This security model is core to NDN from functioning perspective. Internet raises multiple-challenge issues related to end to end communication. On the other hand, a NDN differs fundamentally in the host-to-host communication design of today's internet. Hence, NDN gives rise to several research challenges. In NDN, focus is on digital signature and authentication. So, the public key using which the data is signed is to be made available to the intended stake holders. Hence, public key management issue is critical to NDN. The certificate format and related systems and protocols for supporting certificate distribution and revocation are intrinsic to the NDN architecture. In this paper, exhaustive survey of various security aspects that deal with provisioning of digital signature mechanisms for NDN are presented.

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