
Database is widely used in most of the applications to store, retrieve and manage large amount of data. Relational database work best when to handle a limited set of data. In web scale systems, relational databases degrade the performance due to the joins, locks and impedance mismatch. Thus, as a result various non-relational databases emerged known as NoSQL databases. With the development of the Internet market and new web technologies, NoSQL databases become a very popular for handling large amount of data. Object Oriented Database Management Systems come under the category of NoSQL databases as they are not queried using SQL. They store information as objects, offer advanced features such as a large number of data types and could also offer advanced features such as inheritance and polymorphism which are characteristics of object-oriented programming languages as well. With this emergence of new databases and their adoption by a large number of organizations, security becomes an important issue. In this paper, we have surveyed several NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra GemStone, db4o and Objectivity/DB and presented security features available in these NoSQL databases and compare them.

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