
Objective: The aim of the current study is to assess protocols focused on adhesive procedures practiced by dentists who work in Espírito Santo State (ES), based on questionnaire application. Methods: Dentists working in ES were invited to complete a virtual questionnaire about adhesion procedures associated with their clinical practice. Participants’ responses were tabulated for descriptive analysis purposes and compared to each other, based on the success/failure rate in restorative procedures reported by these professionals and on their understanding about the concept of adhesion. Collected data were subjected to statistical analysis based on using the Chi-square or Fisher's exact test, depending on the case. Results: One hundred and eighteen (118) professionals completed the questionnaire. Approximately 83.9% of them reported low failure rate in their restorative procedures, whereas 16.1% reported high failure rate. Moreover, 95.8% of participants reported to know the concept of adhesion, whereas only 4.2% reported not know it. Conclusion: It is possible concluding that, despite the low rate of failure in, and knowledge about, adhesion reported by the herein interviewed professionals, their knowledge about protocols on adhesive procedures to be adopted by dentists in ES remains incipient.

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