
The Internet of Things (IoT) is empowering the field of agriculture. The IoT application helps the farmer and makes him aware about all the latest information which is related to agriculture. In this study, authors have found that the implementation of IoT is very important in the field of agriculture that makes farming smarter. IoT applications make farmers smarter with the latest information about the crop and weather. By using the IoT application the farmer can prepare a plan for next season’s crop. With the help of IoT based agriculture application the farmers already know the information about the weather, soil, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, and temperature. The farmers know about the disease of crops and then consult the expert and get an appropriate solution to the disease. The experts may advise the farmer how farmers can protect the crop from the disease. The IoT agriculture application helps to increase the production of crops and reduce the loss of crops from the disease. The IoT based agriculture application is like a friend of a farmer because the IoT based agriculture applications are helping the farmer at every moment of agriculture activities. India has set a food grain production target of 298.3 million tonnes for the current fiscal year 2020-21 which is 2.5% higher compared to previous fiscal year’s targets. Agriculture sector contribution to Indian economy is 17%. To empower Indian farmers and in turn to empower Indian economy, IoT based agriculture applications are essential for the farmers.

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