
Abstract: In this paper, an employee tracking system based on web based operating system was developed. All the activities of the Employee will be monitored using this system. Scheduling information and time off requests are often considered part of personnel tracking; as this information will enable managers know when employees are expected to actually be in the office or other work areas. This system is really very helpful for the managers to monitor their employees through mobile phones. It was implemented using JAVA programming language, and the result was stored in SQLite database. An object-Oriented Analysis and design (OOAD) approach was adopted which consist of a well-planned iterative steps. Data was collected using document analysis and field Methods and the application of relevant analytical methods like bar-charts were used to interpret the facts collected. The developed system was able to increased productivity, reduction of cost, instant access to employee attendance record. Keywords: Android Operating System, Tracking system, Employee, JAVA programming and SQLite database.

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