
Cloud Computing is a way to deal with fabricate the breaking point or incorporate capacities effectively without placing assets into new system, planning new staff, or approving new programming. They have various potential purposes of intrigue and various attempt applications and data are moving to open or half and half cloud. However, regarding some business-fundamental applications, the affiliations, especially considerable attempts, still wouldn't move them to cloud. The market gauge the Cloud Computing shared is as yet far behind the one expected. From the clients' perspective, Cloud Computing security concerns, especially data security and security confirmation issues, remain the basic inhibitor for gathering of Cloud Computing organizations. In this paper, we present a diagram on data security and security protection issues related with Cloud Computing over all periods of data life cycle. Firstly,, we moreover focus a related works and after that we show unpretentious components of Cloud Computing security issues, and a short time later data security and insurance affirmation issues, and a while later we display some present courses of action in cloud. Finally, we look at future work about data security and security affirmation issues in cloud. Keywords: cloud computing; security deployment; privacy protection infrastructure.

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