
A survey was undertaken to ascertain the extent to which women veterinarians in New Zealand were employing their veterinary skills, and to identify some of the factors which affect women;s ability or choice to work full-time in their profession. Replies were received from 115 of 140 women registered by the New Zealand Veterinary Surgeons Board. Women in full-time veterinary employment at the time of the survey made up 63% of the sample, 19% were employed part-time, and 18% were not working. Women with children on average had worked as veterinary surgeons proportionately less time since qualification than either single women or women with no children. Women with children worked in their profession for a significantly greater proportion of time if they had both emotional and physical support in the home. Women who employed paid household help were in a minority in the sample. The distribution of women in different fields of veterinary employment was similar to that of a similar sized sample of men. The main reasons women gave for reducing their work level were pregnancy and lactation, difficulties in combining professional work with family commitments, a desire to spend time with children at home, and difficulty in finding a suitable position.

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