
Veterinary graduates (n=489) from 39 universities across 4 continents participated in a survey to evaluate veterinary training of clinical skills and the monetary value of education for recent graduates. The objectives of this study were to conduct a survey of veterinarians and current veterinary students regarding the exposure to or ability to perform certain clinical skills during veterinary school that are important to beef cattle veterinary practice. Another objective was to survey veterinary practitioners regarding their willingness to pay a new graduate more if the new veterinarian could perform these skills on their first day of practice. Participants answered 111 questions in a web based survey system on their exposure to clinical skills and production concepts while veterinary students, and the value of these skills to new graduates. Eighty-four percent of surveyed veterinarians had adequate or excellent exposure to the calving process and knowledge of when to intervene while in veterinary school, but only 65% had adequate or excellent exposure to caesarian section utilizing a flank approach. Most surveyed veterinarians indicated that they would be willing to pay new graduates more if they entered the practice with competency in the surveyed clinical skills.

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