
This research study reports the state of HIV/AIDS infection amongst the attendants of General Hospital Arnaku and Regina Caeli hospitals, Awka for screening between 2012 and 2013 the attendees were screened for HIV, data on demographics and sexual behavior were collected through the admission of questionnaires at baseline. The overall HIV prevalence was 8.4% and 10% of the women involved were at risk of HIV infection. The spread of HIV in Nigeria is predominantly through heterosexual transmission (68.5%). The study revealed that the attendees' married, but involved into extra-marital affairs (multiple Partners) were vulnerable to HIV infection among the attendees. Nevertheless, they were high level prior knowledge of existing of HIV infection especially among the female attendees, due to the impact created by National Agency for HIV control in Nigeria. The use of condoms (43.7%) was given attention to and this was through adequate efforts of counseling and education by Heart to Heart units in Nigeria, hence considerably reduction in incidence of HIV acquisition. HIV infection was prevalence amongst the commercial drivers, (Bus, Tricycles, Taxi drivers) 37.0%. They were socially closed to free women, especially commercial sex workers, and lack of knowledge of HIV contributed to the incidence of HIV among male attendees. The need for focused targeted interventions at this group, through awareness creation and appropriate education to reduce the risk of HIV infection by both the privates. Non-Governmental Organizations and Governmental Agencies are recommended.

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