
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a heat-stable neurotoxin typically associated with pufferfish intoxications. It has also been detected in shellfish from Japan, the United Kingdom, Greece, China, Italy, the Netherlands and New Zealand. A recent European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) scientific opinion concluded that a level of <0.044 mg TTX/kg in marine bivalves and gastropods, based on a 400 g portion size, does not result in adverse effects in humans. There have been no reports of human illness attributed to the consumption of New Zealand shellfish containing TTX. To obtain a greater understanding of its presence, a survey of non-commercial New Zealand shellfish was performed between December 2016 and March 2018. During this period, 766 samples were analysed from 8 different species. TTX levels were found to be low and similar to those observed in shellfish from other countries, except for pipi (Paphies australis), a clam species endemic to New Zealand. All pipi analysed as part of the survey were found to contain detectable levels of TTX, and pipi from a sampling site in Hokianga Harbour contained consistently elevated levels. In contrast, no TTX was observed in cockles from this same sampling site. No recreationally harvested shellfish species, including mussels, oysters, clams and tuatua, contained TTX levels above the recommended EFSA safe guidance level. The levels observed in shellfish were considerably lower than those reported in other marine organisms known to contain TTX and cause human intoxication (e.g., pufferfish). Despite significant effort, the source of TTX in shellfish, and indeed all animals, remains unresolved making it a difficult issue to understand and manage.


  • Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin that has been responsible for many human intoxications and deaths around the world, primarily from consumption of pufferfish

  • 766 shellfish samples were analysed over the 16-month period (Table 1)

  • These percentages are likely to be biased by the unequal numbers of samplings for each species but provide a valuable insight into TTX levels in many recreationally harvested shellfish species

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Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin that has been responsible for many human intoxications and deaths around the world, primarily from consumption of pufferfish (fugu). There have been reports of TTX in 21 species of bivalves and edible gastropods from 10 countries since the 1980’s [6]. The maximum permissible level adopted in most countries for paralytic shellfish toxins in bivalve molluscs is 0.8 mg STX.2HCl eq/kg. In March 2017, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published their scientific opinion on the risk to public health related to the presence of TTX and analogues in marine bivalves and gastropods. They concluded that a concentration below 0.044 mg TTX eq/kg, based on a large portion size of 400 g, was considered not to result in adverse effects in humans [7]. Japan used a maximum portion size of 1000 g, to determine that pufferfish are safe to consume below a TTX concentration of

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