
Ultrasonography is an accurate and accessible method for detecting polycystic kidney disease (PKD), an inherited autosomal dominant disease, and other urinary tract diseases. The present work is a preliminary study of PKD and urinary tract abnormalities using ultrasonography in Persian and other long hair cats in Iran. This study was conducted on 83 cats including 68 Persian cats and 15 Persian related cats from December 2013 to March 2015. The age of cats ranged 3 to 72 months. Cats were classified as PKD-positive when at least one renal cyst was observed. Other urinary system abnormalities were recorded ultrasono-graphically. Association of personal and nutritional characteristics with PKD and other urinary tract disease detected by ultrasonography was statistically analyzed. The prevalence of PKD among Persian cats and in the total population was 33.80% and 31.30%, respectively. PKD was more prevalent among male cats compared to those in female cats. PKD occurrence was significantly more among cats fed by commercial dry foods compared to those fed by homemade foods. There was no significant association between PKD and age, hair color, eye color, related clinical signs and other kidney abnormalities in ultrasonographic findings. The prevalence of renal calculi, urine sediments and bladder calculus were 2.40%, 32.80% and 3.60%, respectively. Urine sediments were significantly raised with increasing age. Screening program is essential for on-time diagnosis of PKD and to plan therapeutic management and control of the disease.

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