
This paper provides a survey of modern nonlinear filtering methods for attitude estimation. Early applications relied mostly on the extended Kalman filter for attitude estimation. Since these applications, several new approaches have been developed that have proven to be superior to the extended Kalman filter. Several of these approaches maintain the basic structure of the extended Kalman filter, but employ various modifications in order to provide better convergence or improve other performance characteristics. Examples of such approaches include: filter QUEST, extended QUEST and the backwards-smoothing extended Kalman filter. Filters that propagate and update a discrete set of sigma points rather than using linearized equations for the mean and covariance are also reviewed. A twostep approach is discussed with a first-step state that linearizes the measurement model and an iterative second step to recover the desired attitude states. These approaches are all based on the Gaussian assumption that the probability density function is adequately specified by its mean and covariance. Other approaches that do not require this assumption are reviewed, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. Email: johnc@eng.buffalo.edu. Associate Fellow AIAA. Aerospace Engineer, Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems Engineering Branch. Email: Landis.Markley@nasa.gov. Fellow AIAA. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. Email: cheng3@eng.buffalo.edu. Member AIAA.

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