
 Background: The creation of scientific papers is the main job of librarians, who are often neglected due to busy technical work. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Work From Home (WFH) policy provided librarians with more free time to write scientific papers. Objective: This study aimed to determine the motivation of librarians on the Whatsapp Group "Pustakawan se-Indonesia Jilid II" in writing scientific papers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: The survey method was employed with a descriptive approach, using a sample of 61 from a total population of 256 persons within an 8-month study period in April-November 2020. This study was conducted when the Indonesian government was aggressively implementing the WFH and Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policies. Results: The results showed that the highest motivation for librarians in writing scientific papers during the COVID-19 pandemic was sharing ideas and achieving higher credit or career scores at 64% and 59%, respectively. Although financial rewards were the lowest-ranked motive at 13%, they were the biggest encouragement for contract librarians to write scientific papers because of increased income. Job demands were the highest motivation for librarians in the writing/publication field, while scientific writing workshops were the highest contributing factor, followed by support from institutions, leaders, colleagues, and family. Meanwhile, the lack of free time was the biggest barrier to writing at 47.5%. Conclusion: The motivation of librarians in writing scientific papers during the pandemic includes sharing ideas, obtaining credit/career scores, self-actualization, hobbies/aspirations, improving library and information science, job demands, self-esteem/prestige, and financial rewards.
 Keywords: COVID-19; Librarian; Writing Motivation; Scientific Papers
 Latar Belakang: Membuat KTI merupakan pekerjaan utama pustakawan yang sering diabaikan karena alasan kesibukan pekerjaan teknis, sementara itu pada saat pandemi pekerjaan tatap muka ditiadakan (WFH) yang memungkinkan pustakawan memperoleh lebih banyak waktu luang untuk menulis KTI. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa motivasi pustakawan pada Grup WA “Pustakawan se-Indonesia Jilid II” dalam menulis karya ilmiah di masa Pandemi Covid-19. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Sampel penelitian sejumlah 61 dari total populasi 256 orang dengan jangka waktu penelitian selama 8 bulan (April-November 2020) pada saat pemerintah Indonesia gencar menerapkan kebijakan WFH/PSBB. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi tertinggi pustakawan dalam menulis KTI di masa pandemic covid-19 adalah untuk berbagi ide/gagasan sejumlah 64% dan untuk memperoleh angka kredit/ karir sejumlah 59%; Financial rewords menjadi motif terendah sejumlah 13% akan tetapi menjadi dorongan terbesar bagi pustakawan kontrak untuk menulis KTI karena dapat menambah penghasilan; Motif tuntutan pekerjaan menjadi motivasi tertinggi bagi pustakawan yang bekerja pada bidang penulisan/publikasi; Workshop penulisan ilmiah menjadi factor pendukung terbesar, selanjutnya dukungan institusi/atasan/rekan sejawat/keluarga, sebaliknya faktor tidak adanya waktu luang merupakan kendala terbesar pustakawan dalam menulis KTI (47.5%). Kesimpulan: Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa motivasi pustakawan dalam menulis KTI di masa pandemi antara lain untuk berbagi ide/gagasan, memperoleh angka kredit/ karir, aktualisasi diri, hobi/cita-cita, meningkatkan keilmuan perpustakaan dan informasi, tuntutan pekerjaan, self esteem/prestise, dan financial rewords.
 Keywords: Covid-19; Pustakawan; Motifasi Menulis; Karya Tulis Ilmiah

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