
An investigation on the incidence of gastro-intestinal protozoans of pigs slaughtered at the Jos Abatoir was carried out between May and November, 2007 using direct smear, floatation method and sporulation of oocysts of coccidia. Out of the 532 pigs examined 236 (44.36%) were positive for five genera of intestinal protozoans. The study identified five genera of intestinal protozoans which include: Giardia lamblia 36(6.77%) Isospora sp 42(7.90%) Eimeria sp 38(7.14%) Balantidium coli 50(9.40%) Entamoeba sp 25(4.70%). Mixed infection of the intestinal protozoans involving some of the five genera of the parasites recovered in this studies accounted for 45(8.46%) out of the 532 samples. The parasites occurred more in female Pigs 148(49.66%) than in the male pigs 88(37.61%). However statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in the sex related incidence of gastro-intestinal parasites (P.0.05). Adult pigs haboured more of the parasites 282(67.14%) than the young pigs 54(48.21%). The incidence rate of infection for adult pigs ranged between 6.67% and 9.05% while that of young pigs ranged between 4.46% and 10.71% Statistical analysis showed significant difference in the rate of infection between the young and adult pigs at (P.0.05). The large white breed was more infected 212(44.92%) than any other breeds. Which was followed by the mixed breed 14(43.75%) and the least rate of 10(35.71%) was recorded in the large black. Generally the incidence rate of infection with intestinal protozoans was low in this investigation as compare to previous researches. KEY WORDS : Endemecity, Gastro-intestinal, Occurrence, Pigs, Protozoans.

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