
Background Several different categories of professionals, including graduate and specialist medical personnel, nurses and medical laboratory scientists amongst others are engaged in blood transfusion establishments worldwide. Some knowledge by workers outside their own specific specialty and a high degree of integration are required for effectiveness in blood services. Objective To survey training facilities for blood transfusion in Anglophone West Africa for appropiateness, and to identify areas of deficiency requiring rectification Methods The contents of training curricula of various institutions were scrutinized. Serving members of blood establishments were interviewed to ascertain their background professional training and present role in their blood establishments. Results Sufficient numbers of graduate and specialist medical personnel nurses and medical laboratory scientists are being produced in the Region, to provide workforce for blood transfusion establishments. However, there is deficiency of knowledge across professions with resultant suboptimal integration of roles, and effectiveness of the services. Some categories of personnel are not appropriately trained and not placed in career schemes. Recommendations Supplementary training is recommended for all categories of personnel, to promote efficiency and effectiveness in blood establishments.

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