
Dynamic taint analysis (DTA) is to analyze execution paths that an attacker may use to exploit a system. Dynamic taint analysis is a method to analyze executable files by tracing information flow without source code. DTA marks certain inputs to program as tainted, and then propagates values operated with tainted inputs. Due to the increased popularity of dynamic taint analysis, there have been a few recent research approaches to provide a generalized tainting infrastructure. In this paper, we introduce some approaches of dynamic taint analysis, and analyze their approaches. Lam and Chiueh's approach proposed a method that instruments code to perform taint marking and propagation. DYTAN considers three dimensions: taint source, propagation policies, taint sink. These dimensions make DYTAN to be more general framework for dynamic taint analysis. DTA++ proposes an idea to vanilla dynamic taint analysis that propagates additional taints along with targeted control dependencies. Control dependency causes results of taint analysis to have decreased accuracies. To improve accuracies, DTA++ showed that data transformation containing implicit flows should propagate properly to avoid under-tainting.

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