
Digital signatures are security technologies that enable secure communication by providing user authentication, message integrity, and non-repudiation against electronic data in a network. The default behavior of a digital signature is to sign it through the signer’s own private key, and everyone can verify it through the public key. Digital signatures are an essential security element in networks and are being studied to suit various environments. With the recent industrial revolution in 4th decade, the advent of a super-connected society like IoT has increased the amount of data communication between networks. Therefore, electronic signature technology using DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) is being studied as a secure and efficient electronic signature technology for distributed chains such as block chains. In this paper, we describe KSI (Keyless Signature Infrastructure), which is an electronic signature scheme using block chaining as well as various digital signature technologies. Then, the digital signature method is analyzed and compared, and the future direction of the digital signature is described.

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