
We conducted a survey of Australian specialist anaesthetists about their practice of sedation for elective and emergency gastroscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and colonoscopy. A 24-item survey was emailed to 1,000 anaesthetists in August 2015. Responses were received from 409 anaesthetists (response rate=41%) with responses from 395 anaesthetists analysed. Pulse oximetry and oxygen administration were routine for all procedures for all respondents. Blood pressure was routinely measured by most respondents during gastroscopy (elective=88%; emergency=97%), ERCP (elective=99%; emergency=99%) and colonoscopy (elective=91%; emergency=98%). The airway was routinely managed with jaw lift or oral or nasal airway by 99%, 76% and 97% of respondents during gastroscopy, ERCP and colonoscopy, whereas in emergency procedures endotracheal intubation was routine in 49%, 64% and 17% of procedures. Propofol was routinely administered by 99% of respondents for gastroscopy and 100% of respondents for ERCP and colonoscopy. A maximum depth of sedation in which patients were unresponsive to painful stimulation was targeted by the majority of respondents for all procedures except for elective gastroscopy. These results may be used to facilitate comparison of practice in Australia and overseas, and give an indication of compliance by Australian anaesthetists with the relevant Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists guideline.

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