
Rifqi Amrulloh, Management Major of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pancasetia Banjarmasin, 2019, Public Satisfaction Survey On The Quality Of Service Of Pdam Intan Banjar, Supervisor 1 : Nurus Sjamsi, Supervisor 2 : Isra’ul Huda. The purpose of this study is to want to know the level of community satisfaction with the quality of service at the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Intan Banjar and based on these results, want to provide input that should be done by the management of PDAM Intan Banjar. The method used is quantitative descriptive analysis. This research was conducted using quantitative analysis. The results of the quantitative calculations obtained are presented in the form of a meaning-centered description. This study aims to explain the existing phenomena by using numbers to describe the characteristics of an individual or group. This research was conducted on 384 respondents of PDAM Intan Banjar customers and was conducted for 3 weeks. The results showed that the results of the community satisfaction survey at the Regional Drinking Water Company Intan Banjar were categorized as "GOOD" with a Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) score of 77.09, this means that the service that has been provided to the community is good, it is hoped that it will be further improved so that in the future it can be better from now on.

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