
Education is a mandatory requirement that must be possessed by every human being, until whenever education is needed by every individual human to fulfill the needs and perfect themselves as people who are knowledgeable, moral, and useful in a national development. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive research. Ali Maksum (2012: 68) descriptive research is research that is conducted to describe the real occurrence of circumstances. the results of the study obtained the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in physical education in the Junior High School in the Kertosono Subdistrict. the "low" category is 5 students or 22.8%; "medium" category as many as 8 students or 36.3%; the "high" category is 4 students or 18.2%; and the category of "very high" by 2 students or by 9.1%


  • Education is a mandatory requirement that must be possessed by every human being, until whenever education is needed by every individual human to fulfill the needs and perfect themselves as people who are knowledgeable, moral, and useful in a national development

  • Ali Maksum (2012: 68) descriptive research is research that is conducted to describe the real occurrence of circumstances. the results of the study obtained the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in physical education in the Junior High School in the Kertosono Subdistrict. the "low" category is 5 students or 22.8%; "medium" category as many as 8 students or 36.3%; the "high" category is 4 students or 18.2%; and the category of "very high" by 2 students or by 9.1%

  • Permainan Bola Voli pada SiswaThe role of rhythmic gymnastics for physical fitness for elementary school students

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Perubahan penerapan kurikulum

2013 terjadi pada proses pembelajaran yang sebelumnya guru atau pendidik sebagai sumber satusatunya dalam pembelajaran (Aziz, 2016). Perbedaan kurikulum 2013 dan KTSP khususnya pada mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani, yaitu sebagai berikut : KTSP. Proses dalam Proses pembelajaran pembelajaran eksplorasi, dilakukan dengan elaborasi, dan pendekatan saintifik konfirmasi. Maka dengan perubahan kurikulum ini siswa dituntut aktif, kreatif, dan inovatif di dalam pembelajaran maupun saat menyelesaikan masalah dalam lingkungan sekolah, karena siswa sebagai pusat dari proses kegiatan pembelajaran dan pendidik sebagai sumber pengembangan kurikulum serta pelaksana kurikulum di dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran. Kurikulum 2013 dapat berjalan sebagai dengan yang diharapkan oleh pemerintah (Candra et al, 2019). 2013 secara maksimal dan berjalan kurang efektif, karena kemampuan peserta didik dalam pembalajaran yang sudah mengunakan kurikulum. 2013 kurang maksimal dan guru juga masih harus beradaptasi dengan sistem pembelajaran kurikulum 2013

Juga kurangnya sarana dan prasaran mempengaruhi penerapan kurikulum
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Permainan Bola Voli pada Siswa
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