
The main objective of this study was to solve a multi-objective optimization on a representative coronary stent platform with the goal of finding new geometric designs with improved biomechanical performance. The following set of metrics, calculated via finite element models, was used to quantify stent performance: vessel injury, radial recoil, bending resistance, longitudinal resistance, radial strength and prolapse index. The multi-objective optimization problem was solved with the aid of surrogate-based algorithms; for comparison and validation purposes, four surrogate-based multi-objective optimization algorithms (EIhv -EGO, Phv -EGO, ParEGO and SMS-EGO) with a limited sample budget were employed and their results compared. The quality of the non-dominated solution sets outputted by each algorithm was assessed against four quality indicators: hypervolume, R2, epsilon and generational distance. Results showed that Phv -EGO was the algorithm that exhibited the best performance in overall terms. Afterwards, the highest quality Pareto front was chosen for an in-depth analysis of the optimization results. The amount of correlation and conflict was quantified for each pair of objective functions. Next, through cluster analysis, one was able to identify families of solutions with similar performance behavior and to discuss the nature of the existent trade-offs between objectives, and the trends between design parameters and solutions in a biomechanical perspective. In the end, a constrained-based design selection was performed with the goal of finding solutions in the Pareto front with equal or better performance in all objectives against a baseline design.

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