
To determinate frequency and reversibility of such deficit and identify risk factors for its development. We retrospectively analyzed postoperative outcomes in 34 patients with SMA tumors. Pre- and postoperative neurological status, localization of tumors, extent of resection relative to adjacent regions and relationship of tumor with white matter tracts were assessed. We also analyzed the influence of these factors on the risk of postoperative neurological impairment. Postoperative neurological impairment occurred in 47% of cases. Complete or significant regression was observed in all patients within 5.7 month after surgery. Major risk factors were lesion of dominant hemisphere (p=0.029), tumor spreading to primary motor cortex (p=0.018) and resection of SMA together with cingulate gyrus (p=0.000). Location of frontal aslant tract in dominant hemisphere just near the tumor contributed to disorders regarding speech initiation and fluency (p=0.016). Resection of SMA with cingulate gyrus in dominant hemisphere affected development of more serious speech disorders (p=0.003). Surgery for SMA tumors is safe and followed by favorable functional outcomes.

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