
Aim. To evaluate comparatively the outcomes of diagnostic procedures and surgical treatment for combined echinococcosis of the liver and lungs, utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic methods and innovative echinococcectomy technologies.Materials and Methods. A comparative assessment was undertaken on the surgical treatment outcomes for 188 patients (100 in the control group; 88 in the main group) afflicted with combined liver and lung echinococcosis (CLLE). The main group of patients were subjected to contemporary diagnostic techniques and cryotechnology during the echinococcectomy process. A total of 188 patients with CLLE were hospitalized and underwent 234 surgical procedures. The surgical treatment for combined echinococcosis of the liver and lungs was conducted, adhering strictly to the principles of aparasitism and antiparasitism.Results. Specific postoperative complications, such as localized hydrothorax and pneumothorax, bronchial fistula, biloma, perihepatic fluid accumulations, and wound suppurations, were identified in 24% of the surgically treated patients in the control group, leading to repeat surgical interventions in 6% of these cases. In the main group, postoperative complications were observed in 9.7% of patients, with only a single case (1.38%) necessitating relaparotomy. No fatalities were reported in either of the study groups.Conclusion. The application of ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen in surgery for combined echinococcosis of the liver and lungs, as an integral part of aparasitic and antiparasitic measures, proves to be a highly effective therapeutic technology. The uncomplicated progression of liver and lung echinococcosis facilitates a one-stage surgical operation.

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