
Many men suffering from erectile dysfunction are overweight with generous suprapubic fat pads, which often contribute to a decrease in visible exophytic phallic length.To present a novel surgical concept of suprapubic fat pad excision with a concomitant placement of inflatable penile prosthesis.A transverse incision begins slightly medial to the anterior superior iliac spine, with the superior edge crossing transversely to the contralateral anterior superior iliac spine. The inferior border is incised in a curvilinear fashion, with the medial apex being approximately 1 cm above the base of the penis. Dissection is carried down to the lower abdominal anterior fascia, which leads to excision of the suprapubic fat pad. Using this same exposure, the inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) is placed via an infrapubic approach. The wound is reapproximated in multiple layers, and 2 drains are placed, 1 subcutaneous in the area of the fat pad excision and the other in the scrotum around the pump.Primary outcomes included penile implant functionality, ability to engage in sexual activity, and cosmetic satisfaction.A total of 8 patients have undergone suprapubic fat pad excision with simultaneous placement of IPP at our institution. Average body mass index of our patient cohort was 36.6. 1 patient developed prosthetic infection after inadvertent removal of his drains in the immediate postoperative period. At last follow-up, all other patients have excellent cosmetic and functional outcomes.This technique can lead to higher patient satisfaction with their penile implant, enhanced sexual performance, and improved quality of life for patients with concurrent erectile dysfunction and significant suprapubic fat pad.This unique technique has never been previously described. It allows placement of IPP in the setting of fat pad excision without any additional incisions. Limitations include the small patient population and relatively short follow-up.Suprapubic fat pad excision is a safe and reproducible technique that can be performed simultaneously with the placement of an IPP in appropriately selected patients. Patients must be counseled appropriately on the expectations of surgeries and the theoretical increased risk of postoperative complications, such as infection.Baumgarten AS, Beilan JA, Shah BB, et al. Suprapubic Fat Pad Excision with Simultaneous Placement of Inflatable Penile Prosthesis J Sex Med 2019;16:333–337.

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