
To review causes of pelvic pain among adolescents and discuss surgical techniques for safe and effective resection of juvenile cystic adenomyomas. Case report. Academic medical center. We present a 16-year-old patient with chronic pelvic pain and ultrasound evidence of a 2.4 cm adenomyoma. The lesion was thought specifically to represent a juvenile cystic adenomyoma, defined as a cystic lesion >1 cm occurring in women younger than 30 years with severe dysmenorrhea that is distinct from the uterine cavity and surrounded by hypertrophic myometrium. Given minimal relief from medical therapy and high suspicion for coexistent endometriosis, our patient elected to undergo laparoscopic resection of adenomyoma and excision of pelvic lesions. Preoperative considerations discussed in this video include imaging to identify the location of the lesion and adjacent structures, such as the uterine vessels, discontinuation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist for adequate intraoperative visualization, and the high likelihood of encountering endometriosis at operation. We review the following surgical techniques: maximize visualization with the use of a uterine manipulator and temporary oophoropexy, optimize hemostasis via temporary uterine artery ligation and control of collateral blood vessels, complete ureterolysis, meticulous enucleation of adenomyoma, and excision of coexistent endometriotic lesions. Surgical findings demonstrated a 2 cm lesion along the left lower uterine segment and red-brown lesions along bilateral ovarian fossa, pathologically confirmed as adenomyoma and superficial endometriosis, respectively. This video presents strategies for safe and effective adenomyoma resection and treatment of refractory chronic pelvic pain in an adolescent.

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