
To describe a surgical technique for repair of grade IV rectal tears after parturition in mares and to report outcome. Clinical report. Horses (n=6) with grade IV rectal tears. Mares were sedated and restrained in standing stocks. After caudal anesthesia and evacuation of feces from the rectum, the perineal region was aseptically prepared. Four stay sutures were placed through the external anal sphincter before vertical transection (12 o'clock). Caudal retraction of the tear was performed using Allis tissue forceps (5 mares) or stay sutures before accurate apposition of the tear margins with steel staples below the tissue forceps. The mucosal edges were then sharply dissected leaving approximately 5 mm edges which were apposed in a single layer (2-0 poliglecaprone 25) before stapler release. In 1 mare, the rectal tear was identified and apposed using a 2-layer hand-sutured closure. Systemic antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents were administered postoperatively (5 mares) and standing abdominal lavage performed (3 mares). Four mares survived long term and subsequently became pregnant. Immediately after surgical repair, 1 mare was anesthetized for exploratory celiotomy and abdominal lavage but fractured her pelvis during recovery from anesthesia and was euthanatized. A 2nd mare was euthanatized after 72 h because of severe diffuse peritonitis; however, the repair was still intact. In standing mares, rectal tears can be exteriorized by prolapse through the anal sphincter after sphincterotomy and repaired in 2 layers with staples oversewn with a continuous suture pattern. Rectal tears occurring as a result of parturition can potentially be repaired efficiently using an oversewn stapled primary closure technique.

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