
Background Surgical site infections (SSIs), the third most common nosocomial infection, endanger hospitals and patients. SSIs must be monitored continuously. This present study examined SSI incidence, risk factors, pathogens, and antibiotic sensitivity in emergency and elective or planned abdominal surgeries. Methods The Dr. S.N. Medical College General Surgery Department in Jodhpur, India, operated on 100 patients. The sample was divided into two 50-person groups. Group A includes emergency surgery patients, while Group B includes elective surgery patients. The samples were aseptically collected and processed according to microbiological methods. Data were processed with IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 20 (released 2011; IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, United States). Results Out of a sample size of 100 patients, 17 individuals experienced SSIs. SSIincidence was 16.66% in male patients and 18.18% in female patients. In addition, the rate of SSIs was 26% in the emergency group and 8% in the planned group. The association was stronger among elderly individuals, diabetics (33.33% in Group A and 12.5% in Group B), and anemics with a history of smoking. The association was higher in those who underwent surgery for more than 60 minutes (34.37% in Group A and 18.8% in Group B). The incidence of SSIs was higher in emergency cases compared to elective surgeries, with rates of 26% and 8%, respectively, but was statistically insignificant. The infection rate in clean cases during planned surgery was 3.70%, while clean contaminated cases during planned surgery had a wound infection rate of approximately 13.04%. In emergency surgery, no clean case was operated on, but the SSI rate in the emergency group was 9.09%, 22.22%, and 47.36% in the clean-contaminated, contaminated, and dirty cases, respectively.In Group A, Escherichia coli was the predominant organism found in SSI wounds, while in Group B, Staphylococcus aureus was the predominant organism, accounting for 46.15% and 50% of infections, respectively. Amikacin and metronidazole exhibited the highest efficacy against E. coli, with amikacin demonstrating the highest sensitivity. Conclusion SSIs are more common in emergencies than planned procedures. Age, gender, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, and prolonged surgery are risk factors for SSIs. Effective antibiotic policy and infection control can greatly prevent SSIs.

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