
The prolapsed iris through a corneal perforation shallow anterior chamber with hyphema, miosis and is frequently encountered in small animal practice. dyscoria. The pupil was found to be distorted in the The condition may occur following progression of direction of corneal laceration. The physiological complicated corneal ulcers [1] or as a result of full parameters were within the normal range and the thickness corneal lacerations [2]. A prolapsed iris prolapsed iris tissue appeared to be fresh. Hence should be treated as an ocular emergency and requires surgical iris reposition and corneal wound repair under immediate surgical intervention for better prognosis. general anaesthesia was resorted too. The surgical repair usually involves correct reposition Treatment of viable iris tissue or excision of the incarcerated tissue, as well as adequate closure of corneal wound Topical instillation of 1% atropine sulphate [3]. The different corneal bandaging techniques using ophthalmic solution was done prior to surgery to contact lenses, collagen based biomaterials, cyano- achieve mydriasis. Pre-operatively, ceftriaxone acrylate tissue adhesives, corneal graft, third eye lid sodium was administered at the rate of 25 mg/kg body flap, conjunctival flap and temporary tarsorrhaphy for weight intravenously. The dog was premedicated with the repair of full thickness defect in cornea has also atropine sulphate at the rate of 0.045 mg/kg body been described [4]. However, traumatic prolapse of iris weight followed by xylazine hydrochloride at the rate and its surgical repair are less frequently documented. of 1.5 mg/kg body weight, both given intramuscularly. This paper presents a case of corneal laceration General anaesthesia was induced with ketamine complicated by iris inclusion in a dog and its surgical hydrochloride at the rate of 5 mg/kg body weight, repair using collagen sheet prepared from bovine administered intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was mainsmall intestine submucosa adjunct to corneal suturing tained by intravenous infusion of a combination of after iris reposition. xylazine hydrochloride and ketamine hydrochloride, equal quantity by volume and diazepam, given 'to Case History and Clinical Observations effect' along with 5% dextrose saline. The periocular A six month old male non-descript dog was area was carefully clipped and scrubbed with presented to the Veterinary College Hospital, povidone iodine solution diluted with normal saline Mannuthy with the complaint of a dark brown colored (0.2%). The corneal and conjunctival surfaces were mass protruding out from the right eye. History irrigated with isotonic balanced salt solution and the revealed trauma by a sharp object four hours ago. The periocular area was painted with povidone iodine animal was dull and depressed. On clinical solution. The dog was positioned in left lateral examination, the mass was found to be iris, which got recumbency with the eye placed under the objective entangled in the perforated cornea at 10 O'clock lens of the operating microscope (10x). Povidone position (fig. l). The dog showed epiphora, severe iodine (5% w/v) was instilled and the face was draped. blepharospasm and photophobia. Ophthalmic The Castroviejo lid speculum was applied for better

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