
Abstract Background Middle rectal artery is one of the important arteries supplying the rectum, along with the superior and inferior rectal arteries. Study of middle rectal artery was undertaken as it is important in surgeries of rectal carcinoma. Materials and Methods For the present study, 40 pelvises, fixed in 10% formalin, were procured from the Department of Anatomy of Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Sagittal section of pelvis was taken and dissection was performed following the steps according to the Cunningham’s manual. Results Variations were found in the origin of middle rectal artery such as those arising from the internal pudendal artery in nine cases. In two cases, it was arising from the common stem of internal pudendal and inferior gluteal arteries. It was seen arising from the inferior vesical artery in one case, while in two cases the middle rectal artery was arising from the obturator artery. Conclusion This is the artery that penetrates the fascia of the rectum which is important in mesorectal excision in cases of rectal carcinoma. It forms anastomosis with superior rectal artery. In low anterior resection of rectum, the middle rectal artery is always exposed.

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