
AbstractA variety of data needs challenge the successful restoration and management of alosine populations, including information on the migration, mortality, behavior, demographic rates, and distribution of fish, both in riverine and marine environments. Radiotelemetry with gastric‐implanted transmitters has typically been used to answer some of these questions; however, observing alosines over extended periods and in the marine environment has remained beyond the limitations of this technology and implantation technique. To address these issues, we conducted an acoustic telemetry study on American Shad Alosa sapidissima by using surgical implantation methods. We tagged fish during 2015 (n = 46) and 2016 (n = 52) in the Charles River, Massachusetts, an urbanized watershed where American Shad were believed to be extirpated prior to restoration efforts beginning in 2006. Surgical implantation produced rates of in‐river mortality (40% overall) and posttagging fallback (39% overall) that were comparable to those from traditionally used gastric implantation methods. Data from American Shad that were retained for statistical analyses (n = 59) demonstrated that Watertown Dam (at river kilometer 14.3) impeded upstream migration and that New Boston Dam and Locks (at the mouth of the river) delayed postspawn emigration from the river. In total, 49 American Shad were detected outside of the Charles River. The distribution and low number of total detections, despite a large number of nearshore arrays, suggest that American Shad occupy waters farther offshore during their marine phase. American Shad were detected as overwintering on the Scotian Shelf (n = 5) and the Mid‐Atlantic Bight (n = 1). In 2017, 10 of the individuals that were tagged in 2016 returned to spawn, providing the first reported data on total migration timing and migratory behavior free of handling effects. Surgical implantation of acoustic telemetry tags is an effective method that can provide necessary and previously unattainable data on a species of conservation need.

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